About End Times Watch
Chart from Koinonia Institute
End Times Watch monitors and assesses 12 Surveillance Trends strategically relevant to bible prophecy. Strategic trends are trends moving with a purpose and are directed by an intelligent source --- either human or supernatural. Natural trends such as a rise in earthquake occurences are not included although they are also mentioned as a trend in end times bible prophecy.
The world's geo-political and financial arenas are pervaded by information confusion, conflicting analysis and outright deception. End Times Watch aims to provide relevant and reliable information and analysis to its audience to help them make decisions based on a biblical worldview. End Times Watch sifts through a number of informational resources to determine what is biblically relevant and important.
About the The Berean Project (Philippines)
End Times Watch is an information appraisal service provided by the The Berean Project (Philippines), which is dedicated to teaching the bible in its entirety and helping schools and churches integrate Biblical knowledge into their curriculums. To learn more about The Berean Project visit www.thebereanproject.ph
Just before the Church is Raptured
(Harpazo = dotted line pointing up)
About ETW's Editor
ETW's Editor Phillip Pastoral is a member of the Koinonia Missionary Fellowship (New Zealand) and the Koinonia Institute (a Christian think tank and bible school). He is a KI Deputy Provost for the Philippine region.
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Our ministry is dedicated to:
Helping promote a biblical education in schools and churches (www.endtimeswatch.org)
Helping inform the Body of Christ about the times we live in (www.thebereanproject.ph)
You support will help us help beleivers to become Bereans.