Sub Trends
Growth of Radical lslam
Islamization of Europe & America
Turkey and the push for a global Sharia Caliphate
Expectations of an Islamic Antichrist
Sunni-Shiite conflict
Rise of ISIS and plans to unite Muslim nations vs lsrael
Foundational Study
Chuck Missler connects the "Mark of the Beast" with "In the Name of Allah"
Is Islam a Peaceful Religion or Not based on the Q'uran? What Is ISIS/ISIL? Presented by Islamic Expert Jay Smith
Recommended Resources
Links to recommended resources are intended to demonstrate the reality of a trend or sub-trend. They do not necessarily reflect the theological views of ETW. Some resources do not hold a biblical worldview.
The Rapid Islamization of the West
The Case for an Islamic Babylon
Documentary: What Islam is Not
National Geographic: One Hour Compilation of how Islam is Ruining Europe and America
The Fall of Europe: The Forced collective Suicide of European Nations, Refugee Crisis (Added 11-28-15)
Former 4-Star Admiral James A. Lyons Slams Obama: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrated All Of Our National Security Agencies
Migrant Crisis: The Footage the Media Refuses to Broadcast
Former DOJ Attorney Larry Klayman: Obama Is A Devout Muslim!