Sub Trends
llluminati, secret societies & globalists' plans for a "New World Order" (NWO)
Global Crisis (The Four Horsemen of Revelation 6): NWO-engineered global financial crisis, wars and pandemics (pestilences) and the push for Global Government and a Global Monetary System & Currency as a solution to global crises.
Decline of the U.S. & U.S. Dollar
Reemergence of literal Babylon modern-day Iraq
Genesis 10, Isaiah 13/14, Revelation 17/18, Daniel 2&7, Revelation 6, Revelation 13
Study Guide Questions
What is the New World Order and who are the persons or groups behind it?
What is the biblical origin of the New World Order and how does it relate to the coming Antichrist?
What is the agenda of the Illuminati and its derivative secret societies such as the Freemasons? How are they preparing for the rise of the Antichrist
How are the Illuminati and Freemasons connected to the Nephilim & Fallen Angels of Genesis 6?
By what means are these Illuminati groups going to effect the New World Order? How can the Four Horsemen of Revelation 6 lead to a Global Government and the rise of the Antichrist
Why is the fall of the U.S. related to the Rise of a Global Government?
Why is the United Nations and the European Union linked to a coming global government? How are they linked to Genesis 10 and the prophet Daniel's prophecies?
Foundational Study
Chuck Missler: The Antichrist - An Alternate Ending
Tom Horn: The Lost Symbol (Occultic agenda of America's Masonic founders, The New World Order, a plan to control the planet)
Chuck Missler: The Biblical Origins of Illuminati founder and financier, the Rothschilds International Banking empire.
Recommended Resources
Links to recommended resources are intended to demonstrate the reality of a trend or sub-trend. They do not necessarily reflect the theological views of ETW. Some resources do not hold a biblical worldview.
Exposing the coming Financial Crash by the New World Order
History of the New World Order (history of secret societies and their agenda for Global Domination and Control). Added 12-2-15
Interview with Former World Bank Chief Legal Counsel Karen Hudes (and now a Governor): Exposes Corruption in global banking and existence of "another specie" (Nephilim?) controlling the financial system 41 mins 45 secs (added Nov 15/15)