Sub Trends
World denial of the State of Israel (The Abrahamic Covenant, Genesis 12 & 15)
Rise of Anti-Semitism
Jewish Migration to lsrael (Isaiah 11:11, Isa 66:8; Ezekiel 36/37)
Psalm 83 War: Confederation of Israel's immediate neighbors (Psalm 83 "Inner Circle")
Magog Invasion: Alliance of Russia, Iran & Turkey (Ezekiel 38 "Outer Circle"); Rise of Israel's oil/energy industry
Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus
Growth of Messianic Jews
Study Guide Questions
What is the Abrahamic Covenant and the Land Grant Covenant? Is it conditional or unconditional? Why?
Who are against the Abrahamic and Land Grant Covenant today? Why?
Which countries are the players in the Psalm 83 Arab-Israeli War and the Ezekiel 38 Gog and Magog Invasion? What are the differences between both wars?
What are the prerequisite conditions for Psalm 83 and the Magog Invasion
Why do Israel's Mid-East neighbors wish to "wipe Israel off the map"?
What is Replacement Theology and how is it affecting the Church in the past and today? What is Israel's end time role that Satan wants to deny?
Do you believe "God says what He means and means what He says"? How does this affect your understanding of the Abrahamic Covenant, The Land Covenant and the Davidic Covenant?
Foundational Study
Israel as Seen Today (A documentary about Israel's history and rebirth)
Chuck Missler: The Magog Invasion
Chuck Missler: Magog Invasion Part 2
Chuck Missler: Prophets to Gentiles - Magog War, Psalm 83 War & Who are the Edomites Today
Recommened Resources
Links to recommended resources are intended to demonstrate the reality of a trend or sub-trend. They do not necessarily reflect the theological views of ETW. Some resources do not hold a biblical worldview.
Is ISIS consolidating control of Israel's Adjacent Neighbors for the Psalm 83 War?
Unstoppable ISIS: An American Creation that threatens to control and consolidate Israel's Neighbors for Psalm 83 War
Chuck Missler's Interview: Interpreting Prophetic Events in the Mid East
Bill Salus The Future Of Israel, Iran And The Arab States
Psalm 83 Missing Prophecy Revealed - Bill Salus
A new anti-Semitism? Why thousands of Jewish citizens are leaving France
French Exodus: 'When Jews Flee, a Nation is Sick'
The War on Britain's Jews
Why 10,000 French Jews Will Move to Israel This Year
Netanyahu urges Europe's Jews to move to Israel
Jews witnessing to Jews about Yeshua
Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri confirms Jesus as The Messiah