You are invited to join
an END TIMES CONFERENCE to view selected videos of speakers of the
2015 KI Strategic Perspectives Conference
November 28, Pasig City
Chart from Koinonia Institute
WHAT: An End Times Study Conference
WHEN: November 28 (Saturday), 8:30AM to 6:00 PM
WHERE: Room 3A, CCF Center, Frontera Verde, Pasig City
Offering P300/person; For young people below 18 years, any amount.
No meals/snacks provided. The cafeteria will be open on the ground floor. The conference is organized by members of KI MANILA-CCF Group
Dr. Missler introduces Strategic Prspectives Conference
Dr. Missler talk at 2015 SP Conference "How to Avoid Deception"
Conference Agenda
08:00 AM Registration
09:00-09:30 Worship, Prayer & Opening Remarks (30 mins)
09:30-10:30 Bob Cornuke - Traditions, Temples, and Beyond (60 mins)
10:30-11:45 Chuck Missler - 7 Myths of Eschatology (75 mins)
11:45-12:00 Discussion Group (15 mins)
12:00-01:00 LUNCH (60 mins)
01:00-02:00 Robert Maginnis - Never Submit (60 mins)
02:00-03:00 Cris Putnam - Path of the Immortals (60 mins)
03:00-03:10 Discussion Group (10 mins)
03:10-04:00 Joel Richardson - Rise of the Antichrist (50 mins)
04:00-04:15 BREAK (15 mins)
04:15-05:15 Bob Cornuke - Traditions, Temples & beyond (60 mins)
05:15-06:00 Open Forum (45 mins)
06:00 PM Closing & Prayer
Information about the Speakers
Chuck Missler
Founder, Koinonia Institute
Dr. Chuck Missler’s early career started in the U.S. Military where he graduated from U.S. Naval Academy and joined the U.S. Air Force to become Branch Head of the Department of Guided Missiles. Chuck earned a master's degree in engineering at UCLA, supplementing previous graduate work in applied mathematics, advanced statistics and information sciences. Later, he joined the private sector where he put his technical knowledge to use including consulting for the RAND Corporation, pursuing an executive position at Ford to set up its computing division, and founding and leading a number of public companies and start-ups in the high-tech and defense industries. After some life-changing events, Chuck decided to concentrate full-time on his life-long “hobby” of studying and teaching the Bible, a discipline he pursued from his youth. Chuck earned his Phd in Biblical Studies from Louisiana Baptist University and he is founder of the Koinonia Institute, a Christian “think tank” and Bible school, and Koinonia House, a major publisher of Christian content.
Bob Cornuke
Founder, BASE Institute
Bob Cornuke is a former FBI investigator turned biblical investigator, international explorer (a real life "Indiana Jones") and author of nine books. He has participated in over fifty expeditions around the world searching for lost locations described in the Bible. Bob has appeared on National Geographic Channel, CBS, NBC’s Dateline, Good Morning America, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, History Channel and Ripley’s Believe It or Not. Bob is currently the President of the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration (BASE) Institute located in Colorado Springs, CO. He also serves as special advisor for the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools and was invited by the President’s staff to conduct a Bible study for White House personnel. Bob has earned a Masters of Arts Biblical Studies and a Ph.D. in Bible and Theology from Louisiana Baptist University. Bob sits on the Board of Regents of the Koinonia Institute.
Cris Putnam
Author, The Supernatural Worldview
In addition to his scholarly work in apologetic theology, Cris D. Putnam is a bestselling co-author of recent books with co-author Thomas Horn: Petrus Romanus, Exo-Vaticana, and On the Path of the Immortals as well as being a contributor to the compilation Pandemonium’s Engine: the Rise of Transhumanism and Blood on the Altar: The Coming War Between Christian vs. Christian. His latest book is The Supernatural Worldview with an introduction written by Chuck Missler. He holds a Master’s degree in Theological Studies, a Bachelor of Science degree in religion and mathematics as well as a certification in Christian apologetics. He is a lifetime member of the Koinonia Institute. Cris is recognized for his expertise in the area of Biblical prophecy and other prophetic traditions. In that regard, he has been interviewed as an expert for Countdown to Apocalypse which aired in Fall of 2012 on The History Channel, and in several recent documentary films including The Last Pope?, Watchers 7 with LA Marzulli, and the soon to be released Inhuman: the Transhuman Agenda.
Joel Richardson
Author, Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case for an Islamic Antichrist and Why We Left Islam
Joel Richardson is a husband and a father committed to the pro-life and adoption movements. He is an artist, human rights activist, New York Times Bestselling author, internationally recognized speaker and recognized expert on Bible prophecy and the Middle East. Joel’s heart is thoroughly missional, with a deep love for Muslims and the peoples of the Middle East. Joel has been also featured on, or written for, numerous radio, television and news outlets across the world.
Robert Maginnis
Author and National Security and Foreign Affairs Expert
Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnis, US Army (retired) is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He is an experienced and internationally known expert on national security and foreign affairs. Bob is the vice president for a Maryland-based business that services the U.S. Government and he supervises a team of international specialists at the Pentagon. He is also a broadcast analyst for radio and television networks and a frequent guest on Fox News and CNN. His latest book, Never Submit, will be released in August 2015. Bob and his wife, Jan, live in northern Virginia.
About KI Strategic Perspectives Conference
The Annual Strategic Perspectives Conference in the U.S. provides KI members an opportunity to get informed and get updated on the Issachar discipline of understanding the times we live in. KI tracks a number of biblical strategic trends relating to the end times and encourages its members to study and monitor these and other emerging trends so they can become better ambassadors to those who seek answers and also be better equipped to edify the church.
A trend is something that simply exists and can be identified by an intelligent source. It is something that can be observed and recorded. What is Strategic? It is something carefully designed or planned to serve a particular purpose or advantage.
What is a Strategic Trend? It is a trend with a purpose, there is some kind of intelligence directing it - either human or supernatural. Since God knows the end from the beginning and has clued us in on some of these ends in scripture (prophecy), this enables us to see some of the end results first and observe the trends that may lead
About KI Manila
KI Manila is a Manila-based fellowship dedicated to the serious study of God's word (verse-by-verse).
The group is comprised of students enrolled in KI and those attending KI Manila's local bible study meetings. The purpose of the fellowship is to:
Mentor and encourageits members
To come alongside local churches and equip them for edification
To provide students with a framework for serious study of God's word
KI Manila uses study material from Koinonia House/Koinonia Institute and the Fellowship is led by official members of KI. If you are interested to join KI Manila Bibles studies, just approach one of the KI Manila leaders to know where and when meetings are held.
To know more about KI Manila, visit
About Koinonia Institute
Koinonia Institute is an online Bible Institute with a focus on verse-by-verse study where serious Christians can grow in knowledge, understanding, awareness and commitment! KI delves into the relevance and reliability of Scripture, including prophetic insight both past and present.
Koinonia Institute is dedicated to training and equipping the serious Christian to sojourn in today’s world. The Institute is focused on three supporting areas:
To provide instructional programs to facilitate serious study of the Bible among thinking Christians;
To encourage and facilitate both individual and small group weekly study programs for personal growth; and
To research, monitor and publish information to stimulate awareness of the strategic trends which impact our times and our personal ministries and stewardships.
The Institute is committed to accomplishing these goals through a program of lifelong learning – exploiting the Internet – and the creation and development of an intelligence network among its members.
Koinonia Institute is formed around three tracks
The Berean (which focuses on our biblical competency)
The Issachar (which focuses on understanding the times in light of scripture), and
The Koinonos (which focuses on service and becoming effective ambassadors for our King).
Guide Questions for Discussion Groups (After each video, just form a group of 3 or 4)
What is the biblical basis of the video presentation?
What are the main points made?
What was new to you?
What needs more clarification? Or why is it difficult to accept or understand?
How can it affect our church or our country?
What impacted you the most and how can you apply it in your personal walk?
Chuck Missler Talk