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Strategic Trends

The Vatican's plan to unite all religions of the world (added Jan 16/16)

Sub Trends


  • Vatican push for Ecumenism

  • Return of the Nephilim

  • Rise of the Occult including New Age & Free Masonry 

  • Trend toward Singularity "Transhumanism

  • Vatican expectations of an Alien Savior,

  • UFO Disclosure & the coming Great Deception

  • Gensis 6, Genesis 10, Revelation 13/14


Study Guide Questions


  1. Who are the Nephilim and how are they linked to "Aliens" and "UFOs"? 

  2. Jesus gave a warning about the end time "As in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man" (Matthew 24:37):  How is this related to Genesis 6?

  3. What is the "All-Seeing Eye of the Pyramid" (in the US One Dollar Bill) and how is it connected to Genesis 10 (Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz)? 

  4. How is the history of Genesis Fallen Angels and the Nephilim connected to the occultic secret societies (the Illuminati and Freemasons)?

  5. What is the New World Order agenda of the Freemasons and how is it connected to a prophecy in Revelation 9?

  6. Why is the Vatican expecting an "Alien" visitor?

  7. How can the Vatican's "Alien" revelation lead to a global religion and how will this aid to the rise of the Antichrist?

Foundational Study
Chuck Missler: Return Of The Nephilim (Giants), UFO's, Aliens (Fallen Angels) & Bible
Chuck Missler: The Mystery Of Babylon Session 2 - Explains Root of all False Religions
The Truth about Christmas and Easter (Babylon in Christianity)
Recommended Resources
Links to recommended resources are intended to demonstrate the reality of a trend or sub-trend.  They do not necessarily reflect the theological views of ETW. Some resources do not hold a biblical worldview.
UFOs, The Vatican, The New World Order & a Coming Deception
UFO mainstream News Coverage of Mass Sightings Worldwild
UFO Sightings In The News. (2015) January and February.
Dave Hunt, A Woman Rides the Beast, The Roman Catholic Church (Mystery Babylon)
Exo-Vaticana: Cris Putnam Examines Fatima Miracle of the Sun
Petrus Romanus and Aliens in the Vatican - Tom Horn & Cris Putnam with Sid Roth
What the unbelieving world thinks the secret socities believe: That mankind was seeded by aliens on Earth thousands of years ago
NASA Apollo Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchel Explains The UFO Cover-Up
Tom Horn: The Lost Symbol (Occultic agenda of America's Masonic founders)
NASA Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Recounts Apollo 11 UFO Encounter
NASA Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs
The Coming Great DECEPTION Aliens Nephilim as Saviors of Mankind - Tom Horn, Chuck Missler, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
AEON OF HORUS Part 2 – THE ANCIENT ALIEN MYSTERY (Warning:  This video is presented from a New Age perspective)
*AGE OF DECEIT* (FULL) Fallen Angels and the New World Order
Evolutionary Scientist and Atheist Richard Dawkins vehemently denies Intelligent Design by God is true.  But contradicts himself by saying Intelligent Design by Aliens is possible.
Interview with Former World Bank Chief Legal Counsel Karen Hudes (and now a Governor):  Exposes Corruption in global banking and existence of "another specie" (Nephilim?) controlling the financial system 41 mins 45 secs (added Nov 15/15)
Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Helyer warns about the New World Order and a malevolent "Extra-Terrestrial" presence.
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