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Sub Trends
Denial of the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12 & 15) and the Rise of Replacement Theology (Church replaced Israel) in the church
Denial of the Land Covenant to Israel (Genesis 12 & 15)
Denial of the Davidic Covenant, "The Millennial Kingdom", (2 Samuel 7:12-13, Isaiah 9:6-7, Daniel 2:44-45, Daniel 7:14, Luke 1:28-33, Acts 1:6-7) and the Rise of Dominionism or "Kingdom Now" theology and its expression in the Church-growth Movement
Apostacy and Abandonment of sound doctrines (1 Timothy 3, 2 Timothy) and the Trend toward "seeker-sensitive" Emergent Churches
Persecution of Fundamental Christianity by Establishment Christianity and the Trend toward "Underground House Churches"