Kuwaiti Media: Obama Seeking to Head the United Nations
Submitted by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz via Breaking Israel News Al –Jarida, an Arabic language Kuwaiti magazine, published an article on...
Another Top US Commander purged for disclosing Obama Mansion in UAE
Submitted via AWDNews.com A stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that one of...
Who are really behind the EU Islamic Refugee Invasion? Hungary's PM knows
Do people really think the Islamic Refugee Invasion of Europe is happening without any help from within the EU? Are EU leaders simply...
12 Videos on the Coming End Time Alien Deception.
The World is facing a great end time deception which Jesus warned about in the Book of Matthew (Chapter 24). The following below is a...
Collapse of Western Financial System Looms as Russia considers "Strategic Default"
With the United States yet again about to increase its debt ceiling to $19.6 Trillion and Russia hinting war between Superpowers could...
China: A NWO Gambit to Take Down the U.S. Dollar?
The New World Order is also orchestrating China's financial system. The banking cartel always plays different sides whether in banking or...
Prophecy of the Future of America (Video)
Must watch interview with Paul McGuire about The Return of the Nephilim, Transhumanism and the coming New World Order (controlled by the...