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12 Videos on the Coming End Time Alien Deception.

The World is facing a great end time deception which Jesus warned about in the Book of Matthew (Chapter 24). The following below is a compilation of videos on the "Return of the Nephilim" to awaken the church and to help people spread the truth.

These 7 Study Guide Questions below can help you in finding out the important truths that you need to know:

  1. Who are the Nephilim and how are they linked to "Aliens" and "UFOs"?

  2. Jesus gave a warning about the end time "As in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man" (Matthew 24:37): How is this related to Genesis 6?

  3. What is the "All-Seeing Eye of the Pyramid" (in the US One Dollar Bill) and how is it connected to Genesis 10 (Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz)?

  4. How is the history of Genesis Fallen Angels and the Nephilim connected to the occultic secret societies (the Illuminati and Freemasons)?

  5. What is the New World Order agenda of the Freemasons and how is it connected to a prophecy in Revelation 9?

  6. Why is the Vatican expecting an "Alien" visitor?

  7. How can the Vatican's "Alien" revelation lead to a global religion and how will this aid in the rise of the Antichrist?


1) Dr. Chuck Missler, Tom Horn and Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj warn about the Nephilim-Alien deception

2) Dr. Chuck Missler's Biblical exposition video "Return of the Nephilim" and his landmark book "Alien Encounters" started serious Biblical inquiry into the subject.

3) Tom Horn and Cris Putnam expose the Vatican and Freemasonic Connection to the return of Aliens

4) This video is a good introduction to the New World Order Alien Agenda


5) UFO Sightings In The News. (2015) January and February.

6) UFO mainstream News Coverage of Mass Sightings Worldwild

7) Tom Horn explains the connection between the ancient occult, Freemasonry and the return of the god Apollyon (The Fallen Angel of revelation 9)

8) Tom Horn and Cris Putnam expose CERN's occultic plans to open up an interdimensional portal which many suspect may lead to the return of the Fallen Angels of Genesis 6

9) Tom Horn links "Transhumanism" Technologies to the Return of the Nephilim

10) Forbidden History: Proof of the existence of the Nephilim, builders of ancient monuments and megaliths

11) Tom Tim Alberino exposes the CERN Occult Conspiracy

12) Anthony Patch provides the latest information about CERN's plans in November, Transhumanism plans by the miltary industrial complex and how CERN might allow the entry of Fallen Angels from another dimension.

To Learn more about this topic, check out ETW's Strategic Trends Page under Rise of Global Religion

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