Saudi de-peg from Dollar identified as a possible "Black Swan" market event
While Bank of America reckons that a de-peg black swan is "highly unlikely" in 2016, they may be closer to the truth with the way the...
Collapse of Western Financial System Looms as Russia considers "Strategic Default"
With the United States yet again about to increase its debt ceiling to $19.6 Trillion and Russia hinting war between Superpowers could...
Rumours of a Coup Brewing in Saudi Arabia threaten the Petro-Dollar Empire
With Saudi Arabias's 79-year old King supposedly hospitalized and suffering from Dementia, the desert kingdom appears to be at its most...
Israel Discovers Massive Oil Field
A stunning discovery of a massive oil field in the Golan Heights has swept Israel with excitement and the hope of energy self-sufficiency....
Russia (Magog) Calls on Germany (Gomer) to Forge an Alliance
Russia's (Magog of the coming Ezekiel 38 prophecy) former Premier Mikhail Gorbachev has called on Germany to forge an alliance for the...