CERN, Secret Societies pursuing a Luciferian Agenda, UFOs - SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 Q&A Interview with
Recorded SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 Q&A Interview with Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen from The River Lodge at Reporoa, New Zealand.
> Upcoming 2015 Strategic Perspectives Conference and the importance of preparation
> Who are the “Hidden Treasured Ones” in Psalm 83?
CM speculates they are the raptured saints which may indicate the Psalm 83 war will be post-rapture.
CM explains the Psalm 83 war which involves a confederacy of nations which intend to “wipe out Israel of the map”
> Deuteronomy 24:5 “Duties of the Bridegroom”: The bridegroom was prevented from going to war while he attends to his bride. Does that apply to Christ right after the rapture?
Says it doesn’t apply
Discusses hermeneutics and the importance of drawing on the whole counsel of God
Scriptures that are “forbidden reading” to Jews as a result of Talmudic influence but which relate to the Messiah (e.g., Genesis 22)
> 2 John Teaching
CM believes 2 John was written by the apostle John to Mary, the mother of Jesus (The elect lady).
> Post-Rapture Residue: What will happen to our physical bodies after the rapture?
CM says the bible doesn’t say but mentions Paul’s Harpazo experience into Paradise and Jesus left his burial clothes at the Resurrection.
> The “Nacash” serpent word is used also in the Brazen Serpent of Numbers 21. Did Lucifer take on a reptilian figure? Did Fallen angels also become serpents?
> Luke 21:24-25 “men’s hearts will fail for fear of what is coming upon the Earth”
Suggests the possibility of UFOs and connections to the return of the Nephilim. Warns UFOs are demonic and a deception (they are not inter-galactic)
Importance of hermeneutic hygiene which is differentiating and segregating biblical references from secular references
> The Nephilim “As in the Days of Noah” - Can we know today who they are in the End Times?
Discusses the emergence of Transhumanism (Hybrids) and its application in military programs around the world
> Secret societies: Do secret societies and the Illuminati exist?
CM confirms they are real. Says the Illuminati and the USA were born on the same day
Says the Freemasonry, the Vatican and Islam are all pursuing globalism toward an “occultic scenario” - all are driven by Lucifer
Discusses Satan worship in the Vatican which was exposed by top vatican official Malachy Martin who was murdered for revealing the truth.
Answers allegations that Chuck Missler is a member of the Illuminati
> Synagogue of Satan “Who are these Jews?”
Discusses Replacement theology as one view and a second view that they are “Edomites”
Discusses the history of the Edomites and the Rothschild Banking family
> Concern with CERN and the supposed opening of dimensional doors
Discusses”occultic” overtones surrounding CERN and possibility of “portals”
> Other Descriptions of Heaven
Discussion of the Microcosm, the Macrocosm and the Metacosm (the domain of UFOs and angels)
Discusses findings of Scientific American (June, 2005) that our world is “a shadow of a larger reality” and confirms what the bible says in the book of Hebrews and John
> Keeping the Commandments
Jesus fulfilled the commandments on our behalf
Difference between “keeping the Passover” vs. “honouring” the Passover
> How Ezekiel 38 and Psalm 83 fits in the 70th Week of Daniel
CM believes Psalm 83 will come first and Israel’s military success will lead to Ezekiel 38
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