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CERN, Secret Societies pursuing a Luciferian Agenda, UFOs - SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 Q&A Interview with

Recorded SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 Q&A Interview with Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen from The River Lodge at Reporoa, New Zealand.


> Upcoming 2015 Strategic Perspectives Conference and the importance of preparation

> Who are the “Hidden Treasured Ones” in Psalm 83?

  • CM speculates they are the raptured saints which may indicate the Psalm 83 war will be post-rapture.

  • CM explains the Psalm 83 war which involves a confederacy of nations which intend to “wipe out Israel of the map”

> Deuteronomy 24:5 “Duties of the Bridegroom”: The bridegroom was prevented from going to war while he attends to his bride. Does that apply to Christ right after the rapture?

  • Says it doesn’t apply

  • Discusses hermeneutics and the importance of drawing on the whole counsel of God

  • Scriptures that are “forbidden reading” to Jews as a result of Talmudic influence but which relate to the Messiah (e.g., Genesis 22)

> 2 John Teaching

  • CM believes 2 John was written by the apostle John to Mary, the mother of Jesus (The elect lady).

> Post-Rapture Residue: What will happen to our physical bodies after the rapture?

  • CM says the bible doesn’t say but mentions Paul’s Harpazo experience into Paradise and Jesus left his burial clothes at the Resurrection.

> The “Nacash” serpent word is used also in the Brazen Serpent of Numbers 21. Did Lucifer take on a reptilian figure? Did Fallen angels also become serpents?

> Luke 21:24-25 “men’s hearts will fail for fear of what is coming upon the Earth”

  • Suggests the possibility of UFOs and connections to the return of the Nephilim. Warns UFOs are demonic and a deception (they are not inter-galactic)

  • Importance of hermeneutic hygiene which is differentiating and segregating biblical references from secular references

> The Nephilim “As in the Days of Noah” - Can we know today who they are in the End Times?

  • Discusses the emergence of Transhumanism (Hybrids) and its application in military programs around the world

> Secret societies: Do secret societies and the Illuminati exist?

  • CM confirms they are real. Says the Illuminati and the USA were born on the same day

  • Says the Freemasonry, the Vatican and Islam are all pursuing globalism toward an “occultic scenario” - all are driven by Lucifer

  • Discusses Satan worship in the Vatican which was exposed by top vatican official Malachy Martin who was murdered for revealing the truth.

  • Answers allegations that Chuck Missler is a member of the Illuminati

> Synagogue of Satan “Who are these Jews?”

  • Discusses Replacement theology as one view and a second view that they are “Edomites”

  • Discusses the history of the Edomites and the Rothschild Banking family

> Concern with CERN and the supposed opening of dimensional doors

  • Discusses”occultic” overtones surrounding CERN and possibility of “portals”

> Other Descriptions of Heaven

  • Discussion of the Microcosm, the Macrocosm and the Metacosm (the domain of UFOs and angels)

  • Discusses findings of Scientific American (June, 2005) that our world is “a shadow of a larger reality” and confirms what the bible says in the book of Hebrews and John

> Keeping the Commandments

  • Jesus fulfilled the commandments on our behalf

  • Difference between “keeping the Passover” vs. “honouring” the Passover

> How Ezekiel 38 and Psalm 83 fits in the 70th Week of Daniel

  • CM believes Psalm 83 will come first and Israel’s military success will lead to Ezekiel 38

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