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Did a World Bank Whistleblower just reveal the existence of the Nephilim at the top of the Global Ba

Did the World Bank's former Chief Legal Counsel (now a Governor), Karen Hudes, just reveal the existence of the Nephilim at the highest echelon of the global banking cartel? After explaining ongoing efforts to expose the corruption in the international banking system, she brings up a strange topic in 41 mins and 45 secs of the video: what she believes is the existence of another specie of beings on earth whom she says have been hiding since ancient times and are controlling the world's money and religious systems. Could they be the Nephilim?

The Bible has something to say that could be related to the information provided above. Jesus gave his disciples an end time prophecy about the return of the Nephilim in Matthew 24:36-37 (ISV):

But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. “For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah."

Below: Ancient Egyptian heiroglyphics depict giant demi-god rulers with large skulls. Could this be evidence of the Nephilim?

To learn more about this end time prophecy and the coming Alien Deception, watch Dr. Chuck Missler's landmark expositional study on the "Return of the Nephilim" (get ready for deep bible study).

To Learn more about this topic, check out ETW's Strategic Trends Page under Finance & Money

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