Timeframe for the Coming Financial Crisis
In 5 minutes, Mike Maloney explains why a global currency crisis is coming by looking at history and existing factors. While he believes it is unwise to get into date-setting, he explains that a currency crisis is overdue.
It's amazing that people think that the dollar will always be the reserve currency given the facts available. Such as view lacks foresight based on an understanding of history and how currencies work. Whether a crisis comes tomorrow or 3 years later, people should be prepared.
My theory is that the NWO through its central banking cartel is deliberately inflating asset bubbles in all asset classes to lure the investing public into more speculation and taking even more credit as a result of low interest rates - and then they will let it crash. Then the IMF or whatever will be transformed into a global Special Purpose Asset Vehicle (SPAV) to bail-out nations and absorb mortgages (similar to what they did on a smaller scale during the 2008 Lehman crisis) in return for giving up national sovereignty thus paving the way for a global government with teeth. Greece will be the model. And to make it even more desirable, the Pope could declare the solution in the "Year of the Jubilee" (nobody really knows this date as the Shemitah calendar was lost in history) and get the world excited and grateful for this great "bail out". Such would be a grand deception.
The Bible in Revelation chapter 6 warns about a coming financial crisis (Black Horse) combined with other crisis intentionally engineered to bring about a global control through a central authority (global government).
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