EMP Attack, Prepping for the Coming Storm - OCTOBER 2, 2014 Q&A Interview with Chuck Missler
Recorded OCTOBER 2, 2014 Q&A Interview with Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen from The River Lodge at Reporoa, New Zealand
Destiny of unbelieving Jews
The great delusion
Will modern Jews be able to know their tribal lineage through DNA science?
Are Messianic Jews today part of the Church? Old testament saints? Are old testament saints included at the rapture?
Distinction between Marriage of the Lamb in Heaven and the Marriage Supper on the Earth
The nature of the resurrection body
Comparison of the blackstone at Diana’s Temple in Ephesus vs. the blackstone in Mecca (both have a crescent moon symbol)
View on Adam & Eve’s fate
Question about prepping & the coming storm
Russian threat of pre-emptive strike & WW3
KI’s dilemma of how much truth to communicate to the public about frightening realities
Anticipation of important revelations at the October 2014 KI Strategic Perspectives Conference
Views on military force vs. ISIS
Importance of knowing your calling in relation to the Great Commission to make disciples
Nature and purpose of the mainline media as a force in ushering global government
Reality of end time bible prophecy taking place
Half of all Jews in the world living in America: What will bring them home to Israel
View on Gap Theory, the week of Jesus cruxification (timing issues and other details)
Purchase of the threshing floor of Araunah (for the temple)
Prospect of a Chuck Missler-KI Study Bible with International Standard Version (ISV) Bible
What's the fate of people who have never heard about Jesus & God’s justice?
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