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Kim Clement to Study under Chuck Missler - APRIL 29, 2015 Q&A Interview

Recorded APRIL 29, 2015 Q&A Interview with Chuck Missler and Kim Clement from The River Lodge at Reporoa, New Zealand.


Kim's humility is inspiring as he candidly admits his mistake in disregarding the rapture and the study of eschatology (end times). Kim comes from the fastest growing segment of evangelical christianity known as Domininionism or "Kingdom Now" which disregards end times theology, embraces replacement theology (i.e. Church replaces Israel) and believes the Church will set up Christ's Kingdom on earth to prepare for His return. This is the underlying theology of the Church growth and "Transform the World" movements. The bible tells us things are going to get so bad (not better) that He, Jesus Christ, will return to intervene and setup His own Millennial Kingdom on Earth (not the Church).


  • "Bad nursing in spiritual infancy often causes wrong ideas, misconceptions and even error from which they never recover"

  • "I was opposed to the rapture and any form of eschatology, but because of my love for God, he turned what could have been a curse into a blessing"

  • "My love for God is so deep that I had to take steps to correct what I realized was blatant disregard and disdain for a large portion of eschatology because I felt these were doctrines of death and the aftermath and so I treated it as an area of theology that I wanted to avoid."

  • "But it got to the point in my life that I was so discouraged because I felt that there was a mentality of escapism when we should really be on the earth blessing and helping that I actually wrote in my website in 1996 "Rapture Crapture"

  • "I stood up one day and said I have no clue what the book of Revelation is about, I really don't have one clue and don't want to know... that put me in opposition against Israel as a nation... I felt like Israel was just a waste, we were spiritual and we were spiritual Israel"

  • I said to (Joel Osteen): "Joel do you have any understand of the end times?"

  • And he (Joel) said: "Kim I don't have a clue"

  • Kim: "I was stunned and asked him don't you think we should learn about it?" ... "There's so much about scripture that speak about this day and this age."

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