Prepping for the End Times, Nicolaitanism, Blood Moons Controversy - JANUARY 28, 2015 Q&A Interv
Recorded JANUARY 28, 2015 Q&A Interview with Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen from The River Lodge at Reporoa, New Zealand.
Who are the 24 elders in Revelation?
The Holy Spirit
Where does the spirit go after death?
The Antichrist
On making Disciples & Nicolaitanism
End time events & what we can do about it
Events in Middle east & relevance to Psalm 83 & Ezekiel 38/39 prophecies (and nuclear war)
Fallen Angels
Who is an apostle?
Feast of Pentecost and possible prophetic implications on the rapture
Judgement on the U.S. vs. Judgment on Babylon
The Blood Moons Controversy
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