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Rapture & Shemitah - JUNE 17, 2015 Q&A Interview with Chuck Missler

Recorded JUNE 17, 2015 Q&A Interview with Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen from The River Lodge at Reporoa, New Zealand.


  1. None lIs Koinonia Institute a bible school or a think tank?

  2. That Day: Early church believers belief about the rapture

  3. When was Satan given authority over the Earth?

  4. Jewish capital punishment during JESUS time.

  5. Why does the Lord's Prayer instruct us to ask the Father "to lead us not into temptation..."

  6. Could Judas Iscariot be in heaven since he "repented" of betraying Christ

  7. If eternal security is true, then how can a name be blotted out in Revelation 3:5?

  8. What events happen between the Harpazo (Rapture) and Christ's 2nd coming?

  9. What does the bible say of participating in war?

  10. Is civil obedience biblical if the U.S. Continues to plummet morally (can we take up arms)?

  11. Is the rapture very close? Is it spoken of in the Old Testament?

  12. Revelation 16:3 - Do animals have souls?

  13. Thoughts on the Shemitah

  14. Why would inter-dimensional beings (hybrids? Aliens?) need spacecraft-UFO technology to get around?

  15. Are developments to turn Jerusalem into an international city a fulfillment of prophecy?

  16. Are there bible codes in the New Testament?

  17. 1 Corinthians 15:29 "Baptism for the Dead"

  18. Could Ezekiel 38 and 39 be two separate battles?

  19. Financial credit rating of the U.S. Compared to Greece and the U.S. Dollar

  20. Is Christ's Millennial Kingdom a literal 1,000 year reign

  21. Parable of the virgins

  22. The 2 witnesses of Revelation

  23. Why did God instruct Isaiah to be naked for 3 years?

  24. Who would be left behind after the rapture? What will it be like?

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