Signs of the End Times - JANUARY 14, 2015 Q&A Interview with Chuck Missler & Hal Lindsey
Recorded JANUARY 14, 2015 Q&A Interview with Chuck Missler and Hal Lindsey.
Both men discuss among other things:
Important signs of the times
Timing for the Rapture and the Great Tribulation
EMP threat to America
Beginnings of Chuck Missler's Koinonia Institute.
Chuck makes a persuasive case that while the rapture may be very near, the Great Tribulation may be still a little further away due to some major prerequisite prophetic requirements that precede it. While the blood moon controversy may draw people to get interested in the end times, it should lead people to Jesus and not throw people off if it doesn't happen. As Chuck said, the period between the rapture and the Great Tribulation is unknown and may even take decades. It's a great interview between old friends
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