A Great Ommission? Reasons pastors fail to preach End Time Prophecies
Dr. Lahaye provides 7 reasons why pastors do not preach end times prophecy. He missed out on an 8th: Perhaps many are too busy building Christ's Kingdom on earth (also known as "Kingdom Now" theology) than to look forward to His return?
Dr. Tim Lahaye :
"As an evangelistic Bible-teaching pastor, I find there is nothing more inspiring to evangelism and spiritual growth than preaching on Bible prophecy and the certainty of Jesus' Second Coming. (It is the only source of hope and comfort for people living at a time when secular man has so obviously proven himself incapable of coping with the chaos that is exploding in much of our world, particularly in and around Israel).
Yet the amazing thing is that here we are, living in a time when God has revealed much of His wonderful plans for our future eternal life in His Word, yet many pulpits remain silent about this comforting truth that is so obvious by studying fulfilled prophecy. Why? I believe there to be several reasons"