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September Events, Islamic Antichrist, Jubilee Dating - SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 Q&A Interview with Chu

Recorded SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 Q&A Interview with Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen from The River Lodge at Reporoa, New Zealand.


> Addresses Paranoia surrounding September

  • Referring to Sh’mita and Blood Moons, such predictions are not biblical and do injury to the prophetic community’s credibility

  • Emphasizes 1 Timothy 1:7

  • False prophecies are the result of failing to practice “hermeneutic hygiene” ie. commingling secular information with Biblical information

  • Ron and CM points out the tendency to use naturalistic phenomena to explain biblical supernatural phenomena - it takes the credit away from God.

  • CM emphasizes the importance of precision in handling the word of God

> If the Antichrist won’t be revealed until after the rapture, and the elect won’t be deceived, how can the rapture be pre-tribulation?

  • CM explains not all “elect” are from the same category. There were believers before the church and there will be believers after the rapture

> Question about an Islamic Antichrist?

  • The Antichrist may be Islamic but it may be much more than Islam in its form today. CM assumes an amalgam of religions including the Vatican and Freemasonry

  • Purpose of prophecy is not to predict the future but rather to glorify God when it happens God uses it to authenticate his message (the bible)

  • It’s important to draw on the whole counsel of God especially in eschatology

> Is Matthew 24:41-42 (two men in the field… one will be taken, one will be left behind) referring to the Rapture or the 2nd coming of Christ?

  • CM holds view its a summary of the Harpazo (The Rapture)

  • Makes a decision between “This Generation” in Luke 21 vs. “Last Generation” in Matthew 24

> Leviticus 25:10 and the year of the Jubilee - Is this connected to the breaking of seals in Revelation 5?

  • While the timing of the Jubilee is unknown due to calendar issues and Jews failure to observe it, CM says the idea that Revelation 5 could happen on a Jubilee Year is provocative.

> Do you think the Battle of Armageddon will be World War 3 or could World War 3 happen before the 70th Week of Daniel? In the Battle of Armageddon, are the Kings of the East also included and defeated?

  • CM believes Armageddon and a world war, if any, will not be the same. He believes the Kings of the East are also part of that final battle and defeated.

> Jeremiah 51:60-64 - Will Jeremiah’s book about the prophecy of Babylon be found again and recovered?

  • CM doesn’t think so. But he believes a literal Babylon will reemerge as a major world power by the banks of the Euphrates

  • Re: the Pope and Vatican: They do not have a biblical view.

> Matthew 20:16 - “The Last shall be first and the first shall be last. For many are called but few are Chosen” What’s the meaning of the last line?

  • CM explains many will be surprised about their report cards before the Lord

  • Discusses the importance for each believer to know his/her calling.

> Are all kids going to be part of the Rapture whether they heard the gospel or not.

  • CM believes so.

> Does Hell exist? Will God save everyone?

  • Hell exists specifically for Satan and his angels. But it will also be a place for people who have rejected the message of the gospel.

> What should believers do to prepare for the coming economic crisis?

  • It’s not our job to predict the future but its our job to prepare for “coming storms” (It’s sound judgment). Do so according to your means and trust that God is in control.

> Daniel 2:43 “They shall mingle their seed with the seed of men”. What’s the meaning?

  • CM says they would have to be something “other than the seed of men”.

> Revelation 2 re: Letter to Thyatira - Is the “depths of Satan” in the letter referring to the Popes?

  • CM says it may be Myopic to limit Thyatira to the Vatican

  • Discusses letters to Sardis and Laodicea

> The idea-teaching that Jesus suffered a 2nd death after the cross in Hades’ “torment compartment” and suffered there

  • CM: It’s unbiblical. Jesus said “Tetelestai”, “It is paid in full” - It’s a done deal on the cross

> What’s the difference between “being saved” and being “born again in Jesus”

  • CM: It’s the same thing

> Could the Antichrist Beast be a nation instead of a man? Some like Walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson have suggested Turkey as a revived Ottoman Empire.

It has to be a person who will have a head wound and come back to life.

He finds the emerging merger between the Vatican and Islam very interesting (50 mins 20 secs)

The Antichrist will exalt himself as God and unites all religions

> On Abraham and Isaac’s brides preserved from being defiled - any indication to the rapture?

  • Possibly as a metaphor. There 6 gentile brides in scripture. In no case was their deaths recorded.

> Matthew 6: “If we do not forgive our debtors, neither will our heavenly Father forgive our debts” What did Jesus mean if our sins were forgiven at the cross?

  • Forgiveness requires repentance. The statement is about getting saved.

> Thoughts on Genesis 1:1 and its connection to time, space, matter, information and energy

  • CM: Time and space are physical properties. The pattern may not fit

> Is renting a church-building (by a small church) that’s also used for same-sex weddings a problem?

  • The church is not a real-estate term but a body of believers

  • The church needs to know who defines marriage -It’s God, it’s not state law

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