Actual Crucifixion Site Found (Video)
In a September 9 interview with Koinonia Institute's Ron Matsen, Former FBI investigator turned explorer-archaeologist Dr. Bob Cornuke revealed that he believes he has found the actual crucifixion site of Jesus Christ. The revelation comes at the end of the interview (around 31 minutes into the video) about Cornuke's discovery of the temple location last year.
According to Cornuke, this major find is the result of last year's discovery of the actual temple location in the City of David which became the new point of reference in the search for the crucifixion site. Cornuke says the new site's archaeological findings confirm the biblical account. He will provide the details of this ground-breaking announcement at the 2015 Koinonia Institute Strategic Perspectives Conference in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho in October.
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