Bema Seat, Rapture, Refugee Crisis, Magog's Identity - OCTOBER 7, 2015 Q&A Interview with Ch
Recorded OCTOBER 7, 2015 Q&A Interview with Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen.
> Promotion of the 2015 Strategic Perspectives Conference on Oct 22-24 in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, US
> What would be the job of an “Armour bearer” today?
One should study the biblical armour listed in Ephesians 6
> Genesis 3:24 - Was Satan able to eat from the Tree of Life before a Cherubim guarded the entrance to the Garden of Eden?
Scripture is silent on the matter
> Judgment of Christians at the Bema seat
Only those who are saved will be present
The issue is not justification but fruit-bearing and what we allowed the holy Spirit to accomplish through us in our lives
Rewards will be based on our fruit-bearing
Salvation has 3 tenses: PAST (separation from the penalty of sin), PRESENT (separation from the power of sin), FUTURE (separation from the presence of sin)
The criteria for judgment is given 2 Corinthians 5:10 but procedure is detailed in 1 Corinthians 3.
> What happens when a Jew believes and becomes part of the church?
A Jew becomes complete when they discover their Messiah
The tragedy is that most Jews see their scripture through Talmudic lenses
Explains Talmudic Judaism
> Comment on Isaiah 53:9 “Died with the wicked and his grave was with the rich”
Refers to Andrew Bonnar’s commentary on Leviticus validating the account.
He died between 2 wicked men and was placed in Joseph of Arimathea’s grave (a rich man)
> Is ISIS using the refugee crisis to infiltrate European countries?
Chuck calls it an effective and clever strategy that is working, it’s a form of invasion.
most public commentators have no idea what’s going on
Islam is not just a religion, its an agenda of conquest which the refugee stream is carrying out
in other words it is a threat of conquest
Ron Matsen opines countries are being “arm twisted” to accept refugees in the name of humanitarianism. Says Europe policies is already influenced by mass migration of Muslims. Mentions Sharia Law practiced in major European cities
Chuck says Muslims have a demographic advantage of growth
> Genesis 22:1 vs James 1:13 - why contradiction?
It’s more a play of words
Ron says English translation blurs actual meanings
> Where should we get news from the internet to keep informed?
Chuck emphasises stewardship responsibility to know what’s happening
mainstream news corrupt and unreliable and should be tried for treason
media failure to find out truth
Suggests media such as World Net Daily (WND) and NewsMax
Media deliberately out to deceive people
Reminds us Jesus gave us a command: “Do not be deceived!”
We must have a respect for hermeneutical precision to avoid deception
the importance of Hermeneutical hygiene: Keeping scripture sources separated from uninspired sources such as the book of Enoch
> About the Rapture: People getting saved?
Believes many will be saved after the rapture
The importance of understanding there are dispensations
> How long period between Rapture and Great Tribulation?
It’s an unknown interval that bible says nothing about
must avoid unnecessary speculation
> 2 Witness in Revelation 11:3 - Could it be 4 based on Rev 11:4?
It’s a speculation. 2 lamp stands and 2 olive trees does not necessarily mean 4 but that two could be the source for the other two.
Suspects (but isn’t completely sure) Moses and Elijah will be the 2 witnesses
> On reliable manuscripts and bible versions
Recommends his teaching in video “How we Got our Bible”
Older manuscripts not necessarily more reliable
> Matthew 24:25-28 - What are the carcasses?
difficult passage with many speculations
He suspects “where the body of Christ is gathered, his people (?) will be gathered around it”
> Will children be raptured?
He believes so based on David’s expectation to see his dead child again & what Paul’s remark in Romans 7 “before the age of accountability”
> Can those who miss the Rapture still earn any rewards or crowns since they will miss the Bema Seat?
It’s speculation without any scripture on that (there maybe another set of crowns or rewards but that’s not in the scripture).
Ron adds there are a number of gatherings: Those raptured, those saved by 144,000’s ministry, nation Israel, the Patriarchs
Chuck recommends video “End Time Scenario” sequence
> Body of Christ vs. Bride of Christ
He suspects Body of Christ is the general saved while the Bride of Christ is favoured and select subset of the Body
> Ezekiel 38/39 - What could be “the Spoil”?
“Magog is not necessarily Russia” - its a subset
Alliance is after Gold, silver, cattle and goods (unlike Psalm 83 whose motivation is hatred)
Believes Psalm 83 precedes Ezekiel 38 and leads to victory and prosperity leading to the Magog War
> Mark 14:51 - What’s the significance of this verse of the “naked man”
many scholars think it was Mark himself
> How can you explain eternity?
God is outside of the time domain which is a physical property. He can write everything in advance.
its only a paradox when viewed within the time domain
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